Planting at Te Akau
Rawhiti hapu and Bay of Islands College environmental studies students planting native trees at Te Akau, June 2024.
Extensive vegetation planting at Te Akau started in June 2024 with the assistance of Rawhiti hapu and Bay of Islands College environmental studies students.
500 native tree seedlings were planted in areas that had previously been fenced to exclude stock and then sprayed to reduce competition from rank grass.
The tree seedlings were supplied by Waimarie Nursery near Whangarei and paid for by Trees that Count. Hardy species such as kanuka, karo and cabbage trees were chosen because they should be able to withstand the impact of coastal storms and dry spells. A few pohutakawa were also planted in sheltered locations as a start in bringing back more of these magnificent trees to Elliot Bay.
With the 2024 planting successfully completed plans are underway to increase planting in future years.
Volunteers hard at work plating Native tree seedlings, June 2004.